Francesca and Andrea

A festive wedding on the hills of Florence

Location: Villa Il Garofalo

Catering: Galateo Ricevimenti

Flower designer: Il Fiorista, Eventsdesigncompany

Bride dress: Francesca Piccini, Milano

Mua: Tiziana Lucarini, Prato

Hair: Hair 51, Prato

Dragees: Caterina Ricci, Candcweddings

Each wedding, in Altreluci, is unique: different, personal, unique.

Because the personalities and

characters that animate the spouses are unique. And, what we want to tell you today, in this mixture

of words and images, is Francesca and Andrea's wedding: a 100% local wedding.

Yes, "local" is the term that best designates this young couple, so cheerful, lively and, above all, it is

the expression that best knows how to trace the boundaries and nuances of the day that saw them

as protagonists with their "yes".

A Tuscan wedding between classicism and joy.

That of Francesca and Andrea was, at times, a classic wedding and, at times, a party from every point of view; a continuous transformation that the photographs have been able to stop over time: each shot, a small piece of a day in very cheerful ferment.

We start from the preparation, within the walls of the respective houses, fully embracing the more traditional spirit; up to the ceremony, with its magnificent location, in the heart of Fiesole: the Cathedral of S. Romolo, a very precious Romanesque jewel whose bell tower stands out towards the sky, and is visible from many points of the city.

Thus, already from the first shots, the personalities of the couple are outlined: Francesca's controlled emotion, attentive to details; the light-heartedness of Andrea, who toasts with friends.

Until the arrival in the chosen location for dinner and the subsequent party: Villa il Garofalo, a typical Tuscan villa with its total opening on the Florentine panorama, seen from its exclusive garden, almost as if the city and the Villa were united in a hug.

And, in this embrace, the party came to life; the relaxed elegance of the ceremony and dinner gradually gave way to a party where fun was king.

For a wedding photographer, capturing - shot after shot - these changes, this kaleidoscope of expressiveness, is undoubtedly one of the favorite working moments, thus giving the couple a perfect trace of everything they have experienced but, above all, of all the emotions. that even guests and friends have tried: in short, only in this way can we say that we have created an all-round, immersive and vivid shooting, which does not leave out any smile, no detail.